Introduction to R: Extraction and updating of data-strucures

Malte Bonart

Overview of important data strucutures

Homogenous Heterogenous
One dimension vector: c() list: list()
Two dimensions matrix: matrix() data.frame: data.frame()

Recap: vectors


  • data-types
    • numeric
    • character
    • logical
  • missing values: NA
  • names: names()
  • length: length()
  • many functions and operators can be applied to single values and vectors

Creation c()

x <- c(A = 4, B = 12, C = 34)
 A  B  C 
 4 12 34 
[1] "A" "B" "C"
[1] 3
[1] TRUE


What’s the result of the following expressions?

x <- c(A = 1, B = 5, C = 2)

length(x)             # 1

is.numeric(names(x))  # 2

length(x == 1)        # 3

sum(x == 1)           # 4

is.logical(x != 2)    # 5
x <- c(A = 1, B = 5, C = 2)

length(x)             # 1
[1] 3
is.numeric(names(x))  # 2
x <- c(A = 1, B = 5, C = 2)

length(x == 1)        # 3
[1] 3
sum(x == 1)           # 4
[1] 1
is.logical(x != 2)    # 5
[1] TRUE

Extracion and updating

Extraction with x[y]

4 possible methods to extract values from a vector x using another vector y:

  • y is a numeric vector with positive indices from 1 to length(x)
  • y is a logical vector of size length(x)
  • y is a numeric vector with negative (exclusive) indices from -1 to -length(x)
  • (y is a character vector of names corresponding to names(x))


x <- c(A = 1, B = 4, C = 6, D = 2)
A B C D 
1 4 6 2 
  • y is a numeric vector with positive indices from 1 to length(x)
x[c(1, 2)]
A B 
1 4 
A B C D 
1 4 6 2 
x[c(1, 1, 1)]
A A A 
1 1 1 
  • y is a numeric vector with negative (exclusive) indices from -1 to -length(x)
x[c(-1, -2)]
C D 
6 2 
B C D 
4 6 2 
A B C 
1 4 6 
  • y is a logical vector of size length(x)
A D 
1 2 
x[x > 3]
B C 
4 6 
x[x == 1 | x == 4]
A B 
1 4 
  • y is a character vector of names corresponding to names(x)
x[c("B", "C")]
B C 
4 6 

Update values with x[y] <- z

Extracted values can be directly updated (in-place).

x <- c(1, 4, 2, NA, 9, NA, NA, -99)
[1]   1   4   2  NA   9  NA  NA -99
x[x == -99] <- NA
[1]  1  4  2 NA  9 NA NA NA
x[] <- -1
[1]  1  4  2 -1  9 -1 -1 -1

Replace vectors with x <- x[y]

Extracted values can be assigned to a new variable or override the original variable

x <- c(1, 4, 2, NA, 9, NA, NA, NA)
[1]  1  4  2 NA  9 NA NA NA
x <- x[!]
[1] 1 4 2 9

Extraction and updating for data frames


  • data frames are two-dimensional
  • each row represents a case, an observation, a person, …
  • each column represents an outcome, a variable, …
  • data frames have column names names()

Extraction: DF[x, y], DF[x, ], DF[, y]

  • x chooses the rows, y chooses the columns: DF[x, y]
  • To select only rows/ columns
    • DF[x, ]: select only rows
    • DF[, y]: select only columns
  • Extraction methods are analogous to vectors
  • Special case: DF$y to select only the column with the name y

Extraction methods for rows and columns

  • a vector of positive indices: DF[c(1, 2), ]
  • a vector of negative indices: DF[-1, -2]
  • a logial vector: DF[x > 2, ]
  • a vector with columnnames: DF[, "pclass"]

Example I

titanic <- read.csv("./www/titanic.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

titanic[c(1, 2, 3), "age"]
[1] 29.0000  0.9167  2.0000
titanic[c(1, 2, 3), 1:3]
  X.1 X pclass
1   1 1      1
2   2 2      1
3   3 3      1
titanic[1, ]
  X.1 X pclass survived                          name    sex age embarked
1   1 1      1        1 Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton female  29        S
[1] "Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton"  "Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor"
[3] "Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine"  

Example II

titanic[titanic$age > 10 & titanic$age < 20 & !$age), ]
      X.1    X pclass survived
12     12   12      1        1
28     28   28      1        1
54     54   54      1        0
55     55   55      1        1
56     56   56      1        1
93     93   93      1        1
115   115  115      1        0
138   138  138      1        1
160   160  160      1        1
188   188  188      1        1
194   194  194      1        1
196   196  196      1        1
198   198  198      1        0
199   199  199      1        1
217   217  217      1        1
229   229  229      1        0
230   230  230      1        1
250   250  250      1        1
251   251  251      1        1
271   271  271      1        1
290   290  290      1        1
296   296  296      1        1
327   327  327      2        0
332   332  332      2        0
338   338  338      2        1
342   342  342      2        1
345   345  345      2        1
351   351  351      2        1
365   365  365      2        0
387   387  387      2        0
391   391  391      2        0
395   395  395      2        0
396   396  396      2        1
406   406  406      2        0
409   409  409      2        0
417   417  417      2        0
446   446  446      2        0
459   459  459      2        1
483   483  483      2        1
502   502  502      2        1
504   504  504      2        1
511   511  511      2        0
514   514  514      2        1
519   519  519      2        0
531   531  531      2        0
535   535  535      2        1
553   553  553      2        0
559   559  559      2        1
569   569  569      2        0
570   570  570      2        0
583   583  583      2        1
602   602  602      3        0
603   603  603      3        0
605   605  605      3        1
608   608  608      3        1
613   613  613      3        1
620   620  620      3        0
622   622  622      3        1
626   626  626      3        1
629   629  629      3        0
637   637  637      3        0
643   643  643      3        0
651   651  651      3        0
654   654  654      3        1
662   662  662      3        1
666   666  666      3        0
670   670  670      3        0
677   677  677      3        0
693   693  693      3        0
695   695  695      3        0
696   696  696      3        0
699   699  699      3        0
701   701  701      3        0
702   702  702      3        0
710   710  710      3        1
718   718  718      3        0
720   720  720      3        1
732   732  732      3        0
738   738  738      3        0
739   739  739      3        1
741   741  741      3        0
745   745  745      3        0
756   756  756      3        0
762   762  762      3        0
772   772  772      3        1
773   773  773      3        0
778   778  778      3        1
787   787  787      3        0
788   788  788      3        0
792   792  792      3        0
793   793  793      3        0
800   800  800      3        0
810   810  810      3        0
811   811  811      3        0
819   819  819      3        1
828   828  828      3        0
830   830  830      3        0
831   831  831      3        0
840   840  840      3        0
842   842  842      3        0
856   856  856      3        0
860   860  860      3        0
886   886  886      3        0
899   899  899      3        0
911   911  911      3        0
920   920  920      3        0
939   939  939      3        0
1008 1008 1008      3        1
1012 1012 1012      3        0
1046 1046 1046      3        0
1048 1048 1048      3        1
1051 1051 1051      3        1
1057 1057 1057      3        1
1058 1058 1058      3        1
1061 1061 1061      3        1
1094 1094 1094      3        0
1105 1105 1105      3        0
1106 1106 1106      3        0
1109 1109 1109      3        0
1128 1128 1128      3        0
1131 1131 1131      3        0
1134 1134 1134      3        0
1158 1158 1158      3        0
1162 1162 1162      3        0
1172 1172 1172      3        0
12                                    Astor, Mrs. John Jacob (Madeleine Talmadge Force)
28                                              Bishop, Mrs. Dickinson H (Helen Walton)
54                                                               Carrau, Mr. Jose Pedro
55                                                  Carter, Master. William Thornton II
56                                                            Carter, Miss. Lucile Polk
93                                            Dick, Mrs. Albert Adrian (Vera Gillespie)
115                                                      Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander
138                                                        Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith
160                                                        Hippach, Miss. Jean Gertrude
188                                                           Lines, Miss. Mary Conover
194                                                   Madill, Miss. Georgette Alexandra
196                                                               Maioni, Miss. Roberta
198                                                           Marvin, Mr. Daniel Warner
199                      Marvin, Mrs. Daniel Warner (Mary Graham Carmichael Farquarson)
217                                                        Newsom, Miss. Helen Monypeny
229                                          Penasco y Castellana, Mr. Victor de Satode
230  Penasco y Castellana, Mrs. Victor de Satode (Maria Josefa Perez de Soto y Vallejo)
250                                                         Ryerson, Master. John Borie
251                                                          Ryerson, Miss. Emily Borie
271                                      Smith, Mrs. Lucien Philip (Mary Eloise Hughes)
290                                                                 Taussig, Miss. Ruth
296                                                         Thayer, Mr. John Borland Jr
327                                                          Andrew, Mr. Edgardo Samuel
332                                                            Bailey, Mr. Percy Andrew
338                                                   Beane, Mrs. Edward (Ethel Clarke)
342                                                        Becker, Miss. Ruth Elizabeth
345                                                             Bentham, Miss. Lilian W
351                                                           Brown, Miss. Edith Eileen
365                                                               Carbines, Mr. William
387                                                           Davies, Mr. Charles Henry
391                                                           Deacon, Mr. Percy William
395                                                                 Dibden, Mr. William
396                                                                 Doling, Miss. Elsie
406                                                           Fahlstrom, Mr. Arne Jonas
409                                                       Fillbrook, Mr. Joseph Charles
417                                                                 Gaskell, Mr. Alfred
446                                                               Hiltunen, Miss. Marta
459                                                                 Ilett, Miss. Bertha
483                                                               Lehmann, Miss. Bertha
502                                                   Mellinger, Miss. Madeleine Violet
504                                                           Mellors, Mr. William John
511                                                            Mudd, Mr. Thomas Charles
514                                                 Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem)
519                                                        Nicholls, Mr. Joseph Charles
531                                                     Pengelly, Mr. Frederick William
535               Phillips, Miss. Kate Florence (\\Mrs Kate Louise Phillips Marshall\\)
553                                                          Rogers, Mr. Reginald Harry
559                                                       Silven, Miss. Lyyli Karoliina
569                                                                   Swane, Mr. George
570                                                         Sweet, Mr. George Frederick
583                                                                Watt, Miss. Bertha J
602                                                       Abbott, Master. Eugene Joseph
603                                                         Abbott, Mr. Rossmore Edward
605                                                         Abelseth, Miss. Karen Marie
608                                           Abrahim, Mrs. Joseph (Sophie Halaut Easu)
613                                                          Aks, Mrs. Sam (Leah Rosen)
620                                                              Allum, Mr. Owen George
622                                     Andersen-Jensen, Miss. Carla Christine Nielsine
626                                                     Andersson, Miss. Erna Alexandra
629                                                   Andersson, Miss. Sigrid Elisabeth
637                                       Arnold-Franchi, Mrs. Josef (Josefine Franchi)
643                                                        Asplund, Master. Filip Oscar
651                                                               Attalah, Miss. Malake
654                                                                Ayoub, Miss. Banoura
662                                                          Badman, Miss. Emily Louisa
666                                                               Barbara, Miss. Saiide
670                                                          Beavan, Mr. William Thomas
677                                                        Bjorklund, Mr. Ernst Herbert
693                                                            Buckley, Miss. Katherine
695                                                                 Burke, Mr. Jeremiah
696                                                             Burns, Miss. Mary Delia
699                                                                Cacic, Mr. Jego Grga
701                                                                     Calic, Mr. Jovo
702                                                                    Calic, Mr. Petar
710                                                         Carr, Miss. Helen \\Ellen\\
718                                                         Chronopoulos, Mr. Demetrios
720                                                          Cohen, Mr. Gurshon \\Gus\\
732                                                                   Cor, Mr. Liudevit
738                                                            Crease, Mr. Ernest James
739                                                            Cribb, Miss. Laura Alice
741                                                                 Culumovic, Mr. Jeso
745                                                                   Dakic, Mr. Branko
756                                                                  Davies, Mr. Joseph
762                                                           de Pelsmaeker, Mr. Alfons
772                                                       Devaney, Miss. Margaret Delia
773                                                                     Dika, Mr. Mirko
778                                                          Dorking, Mr. Edward Arthur
787                                                      Edvardsson, Mr. Gustaf Hjalmar
788                                                              Eklund, Mr. Hans Linus
792                                                                Elias, Mr. Joseph Jr
793                                                                  Elias, Mr. Tannous
800                                                     Fischer, Mr. Eberhard Thelander
810                                                             Ford, Mr. Edward Watson
811                                                              Ford, Mr. William Neal
819                                                  Gilnagh, Miss. Katherine \\Katie\\
828                                                  Goodwin, Master. William Frederick
830                                                          Goodwin, Miss. Lillian Amy
831                                                         Goodwin, Mr. Charles Edward
840                                                         Gustafsson, Mr. Karl Gideon
842                                                                Hagardon, Miss. Kate
856                                                            Hassan, Mr. Houssein G N
860                                                      Hegarty, Miss. Hanora \\Nora\\
886                                                           Jensen, Mr. Svend Lauritz
899                                                     Johnson, Mr. William Cahoone Jr
911                                                          Kallio, Mr. Nikolai Erland
920                                  Katavelas, Mr. Vassilios (\\Catavelas Vassilios\\)
939                                                              Klasen, Mr. Klas Albin
1008                                                      McGowan, Miss. Anna \\Annie\\
1012                                                McNamee, Mrs. Neal (Eileen O'Leary)
1046                                            Myhrman, Mr. Pehr Fabian Oliver Malkolm
1048                                                 Najib, Miss. Adele Kiamie \\Jane\\
1051                                            Nakid, Mrs. Said (Waika \\Mary\\ Mowad)
1057                                                       Nicola-Yarred, Master. Elias
1058                                                        Nicola-Yarred, Miss. Jamila
1061                                                        Nilsson, Miss. Berta Olivia
1094                                                                Osen, Mr. Olaf Elon
1105                                                          Panula, Mr. Ernesti Arvid
1106                                                           Panula, Mr. Jaako Arnold
1109                                                               Patchett, Mr. George
1128                                                               Petroff, Mr. Nedelio
1131                                                    Pettersson, Miss. Ellen Natalia
1134                                                                  Pokrnic, Mr. Mate
1158                                                        Rosblom, Mr. Viktor Richard
1162                                                       Rush, Mr. Alfred George John
1172                                                        Sage, Master. William Henry
        sex  age embarked
12   female 18.0        C
28   female 19.0        C
54     male 17.0        S
55     male 11.0        S
56   female 14.0        S
93   female 17.0        S
115    male 19.0        S
138  female 19.0        S
160  female 16.0        C
188  female 16.0        S
194  female 15.0        S
196  female 16.0        S
198    male 19.0        S
199  female 18.0        S
217  female 19.0        S
229    male 18.0        C
230  female 17.0        C
250    male 13.0        C
251  female 18.0        C
271  female 18.0        S
290  female 18.0        S
296    male 17.0        C
327    male 18.0        S
332    male 18.0        S
338  female 19.0        S
342  female 12.0        S
345  female 19.0        S
351  female 15.0        S
365    male 19.0        S
387    male 18.0        S
391    male 17.0        S
395    male 18.0        S
396  female 18.0        S
406    male 18.0        S
409    male 18.0        S
417    male 16.0        S
446  female 18.0        S
459  female 17.0        S
483  female 17.0        C
502  female 13.0        S
504    male 19.0        S
511    male 16.0        S
514  female 14.0        C
519    male 19.0        S
531    male 19.0        S
535  female 19.0        S
553    male 19.0        S
559  female 18.0        S
569    male 18.5        S
570    male 14.0        S
583  female 12.0        S
602    male 13.0        S
603    male 16.0        S
605  female 16.0        S
608  female 18.0        C
613  female 18.0        S
620    male 18.0        S
622  female 19.0        S
626  female 17.0        S
629  female 11.0        S
637  female 18.0        S
643    male 13.0        S
651  female 17.0        C
654  female 13.0        C
662  female 18.0        S
666  female 18.0        C
670    male 19.0        S
677    male 18.0        S
693  female 18.5        Q
695    male 19.0        Q
696  female 18.0        Q
699    male 18.0        S
701    male 17.0        S
702    male 17.0        S
710  female 16.0        Q
718    male 18.0        C
720    male 18.0        S
732    male 19.0        S
738    male 19.0        S
739  female 17.0        S
741    male 17.0        S
745    male 19.0        S
756    male 17.0        S
762    male 16.0        S
772  female 19.0        Q
773    male 17.0        S
778    male 19.0        S
787    male 18.0        S
788    male 16.0        S
792    male 17.0        C
793    male 15.0        C
800    male 18.0        S
810    male 18.0        S
811    male 16.0        S
819  female 16.0        Q
828    male 11.0        S
830  female 16.0        S
831    male 14.0        S
840    male 19.0        S
842  female 17.0        Q
856    male 11.0        C
860  female 18.0        Q
886    male 17.0        S
899    male 19.0        S
911    male 17.0        S
920    male 18.5        C
939    male 18.0        S
1008 female 15.0        Q
1012 female 19.0        S
1046   male 18.0        S
1048 female 15.0        C
1051 female 19.0        C
1057   male 12.0        C
1058 female 14.0        C
1061 female 18.0        S
1094   male 16.0        S
1105   male 16.0        S
1106   male 14.0        S
1109   male 19.0        S
1128   male 19.0        S
1131 female 18.0        S
1134   male 17.0        S
1158   male 18.0        S
1162   male 16.0        S
1172   male 14.5        S
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 14 rows ]
titanic[titanic$sex == "male", ]
      X.1    X pclass survived
2       2    2      1        1
4       4    4      1        0
6       6    6      1        1
8       8    8      1        0
10     10   10      1        0
11     11   11      1        0
15     15   15      1        1
16     16   16      1        0
17     17   17      1        0
20     20   20      1        0
21     21   21      1        1
23     23   23      1        1
26     26   26      1        0
27     27   27      1        1
30     30   30      1        1
31     31   31      1        0
32     32   32      1        1
35     35   35      1        0
38     38   38      1        1
39     39   39      1        0
40     40   40      1        0
41     41   41      1        0
46     46   46      1        0
47     47   47      1        0
48     48   48      1        1
50     50   50      1        1
52     52   52      1        0
53     53   53      1        0
54     54   54      1        0
55     55   55      1        1
57     57   57      1        1
59     59   59      1        0
61     61   61      1        0
63     63   63      1        0
65     65   65      1        1
69     69   69      1        1
71     71   71      1        0
72     72   72      1        0
75     75   75      1        0
76     76   76      1        0
78     78   78      1        0
81     81   81      1        0
82     82   82      1        0
85     85   85      1        0
87     87   87      1        1
88     88   88      1        1
90     90   90      1        0
92     92   92      1        1
94     94   94      1        1
95     95   95      1        1
97     97   97      1        0
101   101  101      1        1
102   102  102      1        0
107   107  107      1        0
110   110  110      1        1
111   111  111      1        0
115   115  115      1        0
116   116  116      1        0
119   119  119      1        0
120   120  120      1        1
121   121  121      1        1
124   124  124      1        1
126   126  126      1        0
127   127  127      1        0
129   129  129      1        0
133   133  133      1        0
134   134  134      1        1
136   136  136      1        0
137   137  137      1        1
139   139  139      1        0
141   141  141      1        1
143   143  143      1        0
144   144  144      1        1
146   146  146      1        1
148   148  148      1        0
149   149  149      1        0
151   151  151      1        0
152   152  152      1        1
153   153  153      1        1
155   155  155      1        0
157   157  157      1        0
158   158  158      1        0
159   159  159      1        0
163   163  163      1        0
165   165  165      1        1
166   166  166      1        1
167   167  167      1        0
171   171  171      1        1
172   172  172      1        0
173   173  173      1        0
174   174  174      1        0
175   175  175      1        0
176   176  176      1        0
178   178  178      1        1
180   180  180      1        0
184   184  184      1        1
185   185  185      1        0
186   186  186      1        0
190   190  190      1        0
192   192  192      1        0
195   195  195      1        0
197   197  197      1        1
198   198  198      1        0
201   201  201      1        0
202   202  202      1        0
203   203  203      1        1
204   204  204      1        0
206   206  206      1        0
207   207  207      1        0
210   210  210      1        1
211   211  211      1        0
212   212  212      1        0
213   213  213      1        0
216   216  216      1        0
218   218  218      1        0
220   220  220      1        1
222   222  222      1        0
223   223  223      1        0
224   224  224      1        0
225   225  225      1        0
226   226  226      1        0
227   227  227      1        0
229   229  229      1        0
232   232  232      1        1
233   233  233      1        0
                                                        name  sex     age
2                             Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor male  0.9167
4                       Allison, Mr. Hudson Joshua Creighton male 30.0000
6                                        Anderson, Mr. Harry male 48.0000
8                                     Andrews, Mr. Thomas Jr male 39.0000
10                                   Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon male 71.0000
11                                    Astor, Col. John Jacob male 47.0000
15                      Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson male 80.0000
16                                       Baumann, Mr. John D male      NA
17                                  Baxter, Mr. Quigg Edmond male 24.0000
20                                      Beattie, Mr. Thomson male 36.0000
21                             Beckwith, Mr. Richard Leonard male 37.0000
23                                     Behr, Mr. Karl Howell male 26.0000
26                                       Birnbaum, Mr. Jakob male 25.0000
27                                   Bishop, Mr. Dickinson H male 25.0000
30                 Bjornstrom-Steffansson, Mr. Mauritz Hakan male 28.0000
31                              Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart male 45.0000
32                                          Blank, Mr. Henry male 40.0000
35                                  Borebank, Mr. John James male 42.0000
38           Bradley, Mr. George (\\George Arthur Brayton\\) male      NA
39                                   Brady, Mr. John Bertram male 41.0000
40                                        Brandeis, Mr. Emil male 48.0000
41                                 Brewe, Dr. Arthur Jackson male      NA
46                         Butt, Major. Archibald Willingham male 45.0000
47                                     Cairns, Mr. Alexander male      NA
48                         Calderhead, Mr. Edward Pennington male 42.0000
50                        Cardeza, Mr. Thomas Drake Martinez male 36.0000
52                                  Carlsson, Mr. Frans Olof male 33.0000
53                                   Carrau, Mr. Francisco M male 28.0000
54                                    Carrau, Mr. Jose Pedro male 17.0000
55                       Carter, Master. William Thornton II male 11.0000
57                                Carter, Mr. William Ernest male 36.0000
59                                    Case, Mr. Howard Brown male 49.0000
61                             Cavendish, Mr. Tyrell William male 36.0000
63                               Chaffee, Mr. Herbert Fuller male 46.0000
65                             Chambers, Mr. Norman Campbell male 27.0000
69                                  Chevre, Mr. Paul Romaine male 45.0000
71                     Chisholm, Mr. Roderick Robert Crispin male      NA
72                                  Clark, Mr. Walter Miller male 27.0000
75                               Clifford, Mr. George Quincy male      NA
76                                Colley, Mr. Edward Pomeroy male 47.0000
78                          Compton, Mr. Alexander Taylor Jr male 37.0000
81                                 Crafton, Mr. John Bertram male      NA
82                              Crosby, Capt. Edward Gifford male 70.0000
85                                 Cumings, Mr. John Bradley male 39.0000
87                                    Daly, Mr. Peter Denis  male 51.0000
88                               Daniel, Mr. Robert Williams male 27.0000
90                                    Davidson, Mr. Thornton male 31.0000
92                                   Dick, Mr. Albert Adrian male 31.0000
94                                     Dodge, Dr. Washington male 53.0000
95                                 Dodge, Master. Washington male  4.0000
97                                Douglas, Mr. Walter Donald male 50.0000
101           Duff Gordon, Sir. Cosmo Edmund (\\Mr Morgan\\) male 49.0000
102                             Dulles, Mr. William Crothers male 39.0000
107                                       Farthing, Mr. John male      NA
110                       Flynn, Mr. John Irwin (\\Irving\\) male 36.0000
111                          Foreman, Mr. Benjamin Laventall male 30.0000
115                           Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander male 19.0000
116                                        Fortune, Mr. Mark male 64.0000
119                              Franklin, Mr. Thomas Parham male      NA
120                            Frauenthal, Dr. Henry William male 50.0000
121                             Frauenthal, Mr. Isaac Gerald male 43.0000
124                         Frolicher-Stehli, Mr. Maxmillian male 60.0000
126                                         Fry, Mr. Richard male      NA
127                              Futrelle, Mr. Jacques Heath male 37.0000
129                                        Gee, Mr. Arthur H male 47.0000
133                                       Giglio, Mr. Victor male 24.0000
134                                 Goldenberg, Mr. Samuel L male 49.0000
136                                Goldschmidt, Mr. George B male 71.0000
137                                Gracie, Col. Archibald IV male 53.0000
139                                Graham, Mr. George Edward male 38.0000
141                          Greenfield, Mr. William Bertram male 23.0000
143                                 Guggenheim, Mr. Benjamin male 46.0000
144                              Harder, Mr. George Achilles male 25.0000
146                                Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper male 48.0000
148                                Harrington, Mr. Charles H male      NA
149                              Harris, Mr. Henry Birkhardt male 45.0000
151                                    Harrison, Mr. William male 40.0000
152                                       Hassab, Mr. Hammad male 27.0000
153                              Hawksford, Mr. Walter James male      NA
155                               Hays, Mr. Charles Melville male 55.0000
157                                    Head, Mr. Christopher male 42.0000
158                              Hilliard, Mr. Herbert Henry male      NA
159                              Hipkins, Mr. William Edward male 55.0000
163                           Holverson, Mr. Alexander Oskar male 42.0000
165                        Homer, Mr. Harry (\\Mr E Haven\\) male 35.0000
166                             Hoyt, Mr. Frederick Maxfield male 38.0000
167                                 Hoyt, Mr. William Fisher male      NA
171                                  Ismay, Mr. Joseph Bruce male 49.0000
172                               Jones, Mr. Charles Cresson male 46.0000
173                                 Julian, Mr. Henry Forbes male 50.0000
174                                       Keeping, Mr. Edwin male 32.5000
175                                  Kent, Mr. Edward Austin male 58.0000
176                                  Kenyon, Mr. Frederick R male 41.0000
178                             Kimball, Mr. Edwin Nelson Jr male 42.0000
180                                       Klaber, Mr. Herman male      NA
184                                   Lesurer, Mr. Gustave J male 35.0000
185                                        Lewy, Mr. Ervin G male      NA
186  Lindeberg-Lind, Mr. Erik Gustaf (\\Mr Edward Lingrey\\) male 42.0000
190                                   Long, Mr. Milton Clyde male 29.0000
192                               Loring, Mr. Joseph Holland male 30.0000
195                                 Maguire, Mr. John Edward male 30.0000
197                                     Marechal, Mr. Pierre male      NA
198                                Marvin, Mr. Daniel Warner male 19.0000
201                             McCaffry, Mr. Thomas Francis male 46.0000
202                                  McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J male 54.0000
203                                McGough, Mr. James Robert male 36.0000
204                                  Meyer, Mr. Edgar Joseph male 28.0000
206                                Millet, Mr. Francis Davis male 65.0000
207                              Minahan, Dr. William Edward male 44.0000
210                                 Mock, Mr. Philipp Edmund male 30.0000
211                               Molson, Mr. Harry Markland male 55.0000
212                           Moore, Mr. Clarence Bloomfield male 47.0000
213                                    Natsch, Mr. Charles H male 37.0000
216                               Newell, Mr. Arthur Webster male 58.0000
218                             Nicholson, Mr. Arthur Ernest male 64.0000
220                                Omont, Mr. Alfred Fernand male      NA
222                           Ostby, Mr. Engelhart Cornelius male 65.0000
223                          Ovies y Rodriguez, Mr. Servando male 28.5000
224                            Parr, Mr. William Henry Marsh male      NA
225                                      Partner, Mr. Austen male 45.5000
226                               Payne, Mr. Vivian Ponsonby male 23.0000
227                                Pears, Mr. Thomas Clinton male 29.0000
229               Penasco y Castellana, Mr. Victor de Satode male 18.0000
232                           Peuchen, Major. Arthur Godfrey male 52.0000
233                           Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain male 47.0000
2           S
4           S
6           S
8           S
10          C
11          C
15          S
16          S
17          C
20          C
21          S
23          C
26          C
27          C
30          S
31          S
32          C
35          S
38          S
39          S
40          C
41          C
46          S
47          S
48          S
50          C
52          S
53          S
54          S
55          S
57          S
59          S
61          S
63          S
65          S
69          C
71          S
72          C
75          S
76          S
78          C
81          S
82          S
85          C
87          S
88          S
90          S
92          S
94          S
95          S
97          C
101         C
102         C
107         S
110         S
111         C
115         S
116         S
119         S
120         S
121         C
124         C
126         S
127         S
129         S
133         C
134         C
136         C
137         C
139         S
141         C
143         C
144         C
146         C
148         S
149         S
151         S
152         C
153         S
155         S
157         S
158         S
159         S
163         S
165         C
166         S
167         C
171         S
172         S
173         S
174         C
175         C
176         S
178         S
180         S
184         C
185         C
186         S
190         S
192         S
195         S
197         C
198         S
201         C
202         S
203         S
204         C
206         S
207         Q
210         C
211         S
212         S
213         C
216         C
218         S
220         C
222         C
223         C
224         S
225         S
226         S
227         S
229         C
232         S
233         S
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 718 rows ]
rowFilter <- titanic$age > 75 & !$age)
colFilter <- c("name", "survived", "pclass")
titanic[rowFilter, colFilter]
                                                     name survived pclass
15                   Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson        1      1
62 Cavendish, Mrs. Tyrell William (Julia Florence Siegel)        1      1

Update values DF$x[y] <- z

  • values can be updated in place
  • usually the $ - sign is used to select the column first


titanic$sex[1:10] # convert the column to 0, 1 values
 [1] "female" "male"   "female" "male"   "female" "male"   "female"
 [8] "male"   "female" "male"  
titanic$sex[titanic$sex == "male"] <- 0
titanic$sex[titanic$sex == "female"] <- 1
 [1] "1" "0" "1" "0" "1" "0" "1" "0" "1" "0"
titanic$sex <- as.numeric(titanic$sex)
 [1] 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
sum($age)) # age contains missing values
[1] 263
meanAge <- mean(titanic$age, na.rm = TRUE) # caculate the average age 
[1] 29.88113
titanic$age[$age)] <- meanAge # impute missing values with the average age
[1] 0

Delete Rows or Columns

as with vectors, data frames can be replaced by a subset

# only female
titanic <- titanic[titanic$sex == 1, ]
# delete the third column
titanic <- titanic[, -3]
# another possibility
titanic[,3] <- NULL

   X.1  X                                              name sex age
1    1  1                     Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton   1  29
3    3  3                      Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine   1   2
5    5  5   Allison, Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessie Waldo Daniels)   1  25
7    7  7                 Andrews, Miss. Kornelia Theodosia   1  63
9    9  9     Appleton, Mrs. Edward Dale (Charlotte Lamson)   1  53
12  12 12 Astor, Mrs. John Jacob (Madeleine Talmadge Force)   1  18
1         S
3         S
5         S
7         S
9         S
12        C

The which function

  • Returns the indices at which a logical vector is `TRUE
[1] 2 3
which(titanic$survived == 1 & titanic$pclass == 1)
  [1]   1   2   6   7   9  12  13  14  15  18  19  21  22  23  24  25  27
 [18]  28  29  30  32  33  34  36  37  38  42  43  44  45  48  49  50  51
 [35]  55  56  57  58  60  62  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  73  74  77  79
 [52]  80  83  84  86  87  88  89  91  92  93  94  95  96  98  99 100 101
 [69] 103 104 105 108 109 110 112 113 114 117 118 120 121 122 123 124 125
 [86] 128 130 131 132 134 135 137 138 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 150 152
[103] 153 154 156 160 161 162 164 165 166 168 169 171 177 178 179 181 182
[120] 183 184 187 188 189 191 193 194 196 197 199 200 203 205 208 209 210
[137] 214 215 217 219 220 221 228 230 231 232 234 236 239 241 243 246 248
[154] 250 251 252 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 264 265 266 271 272
[171] 273 274 275 276 278 279 281 282 283 285 289 290 292 293 294 296 297
[188] 298 299 303 305 309 310 312 315 316 318 320 321 323
[1] 2
[1] 2
[1] 2
[1] 2

Ordering by variables and selection of maxima and minima

Ordering of a dataset

titanic <- titanic[order(titanic$age), ]
      X.1    X pclass survived                                      name
764   764  764      3        1 Dean, Miss. Elizabeth Gladys \\Millvina\\
748   748  748      3        0   Danbom, Master. Gilbert Sigvard Emanuel
1241 1241 1241      3        1           Thomas, Master. Assad Alexander
428   428  428      2        1                 Hamalainen, Master. Viljo
658   658  658      3        1                    Baclini, Miss. Eugenie
659   659  659      3        1             Baclini, Miss. Helene Barbara
        sex    age embarked
764  female 0.1667        S
748    male 0.3333        S
1241   male 0.4167        C
428    male 0.6667        S
658  female 0.7500        C
659  female 0.7500        C

Select the top/ bottom 5

youngest <- order(titanic$age)[1:5]
oldest <- order(titanic$age, decreasing = TRUE)[1:5]
titanic[youngest, -3]
      X.1    X survived                                      name    sex
764   764  764        1 Dean, Miss. Elizabeth Gladys \\Millvina\\ female
748   748  748        0   Danbom, Master. Gilbert Sigvard Emanuel   male
1241 1241 1241        1           Thomas, Master. Assad Alexander   male
428   428  428        1                 Hamalainen, Master. Viljo   male
658   658  658        1                    Baclini, Miss. Eugenie female
        age embarked
764  0.1667        S
748  0.3333        S
1241 0.4167        C
428  0.6667        S
658  0.7500        C
titanic[oldest, -3]
      X.1    X survived
15     15   15        1
62     62   62        1
1236 1236 1236        0
10     10   10        0
136   136  136        0
                                                       name    sex age
15                     Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson   male  80
62   Cavendish, Mrs. Tyrell William (Julia Florence Siegel) female  76
1236                                    Svensson, Mr. Johan   male  74
10                                  Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon   male  71
136                               Goldschmidt, Mr. George B   male  71
15          S
62          S
1236        S
10          C
136         C
oldest <- order(titanic$age, decreasing = TRUE)[1:5]
titanic[oldest, -3]
      X.1    X survived
15     15   15        1
62     62   62        1
1236 1236 1236        0
10     10   10        0
136   136  136        0
                                                       name    sex age
15                     Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson   male  80
62   Cavendish, Mrs. Tyrell William (Julia Florence Siegel) female  76
1236                                    Svensson, Mr. Johan   male  74
10                                  Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon   male  71
136                               Goldschmidt, Mr. George B   male  71
15          S
62          S
1236        S
10          C
136         C

Select the maxima or minima

titanic[which.min(titanic$age), ]
    X.1   X pclass survived                                      name
764 764 764      3        1 Dean, Miss. Elizabeth Gladys \\Millvina\\
       sex    age embarked
764 female 0.1667        S
titanic[which.max(titanic$age), ]
   X.1  X pclass survived                                 name  sex age
15  15 15      1        1 Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson male  80
15        S
titanic[which.max(titanic$age), ]
   X.1  X pclass survived                                 name  sex age
15  15 15      1        1 Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson male  80
15        S
# gives the same result but harder to read
titanic[which(titanic$age == max(titanic$age)), ]
[1] X.1      X        pclass   survived name     sex      age      embarked
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)